Energy Services
Energy solutions can help you become more “green” and more profitable
Energy solutions represent the point where our services are combined to give you energy savings and sustainability.
We can show you services that reduce consumption without major capital investments. These include optimizing building energy through retro commissioning, metering and monitoring utilities and focusing on preventive maintenance and facility maintenance solutions.
We can also perform “energy dig” facility assessments, and apply Energy Star® and LEED EB (existing buildings) benchmarking and certification.
Some capital projects have big payoffs
Your company can take even bigger steps toward saving energy and improving the environment by exploring lighting retrofits and building automation, HVAC, refrigeration solutions, water conservation and smart building control systems. And we can also show you alternative energy choices.
Our Energy Smart Decision Tools® help you make sound choices based on financial analysis of varied system options and available energy data.
The benefits are huge … for today and tomorrow
By taking positive steps, you can start saving today …
- Reducing operation, maintenance and energy costs
- Improving occupant productivity, comfort and satisfaction
- Increasing the value of your asset or property
- Capitalizing on potential government and utility tax deductions, rebates and incentives
And you’ll help build a brighter future by …
- Positioning your company as a leader in environmental stewardship
- Conserving natural resources while improving air and water quality
- Reducing your facility’s carbon footprint
- Potentially earning Energy Star® and LEED recognition