University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences District Energy System
The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) in Little Rock, Arkansas needed funds for a S50 million upgrade and expansion project. Savings for the project were expected to exceed $8,OOO per day. UAMS wanted to use a comprehensive commissioning process on existing and new building infrastructure. Comfort Systems USA Energy Services was selected by UAMS to provide the commissioning.
The CSUSA Team:
- Ensured the project's success by implementing the American Sodety of Healthcare Engineers (ASHE) commissioning process, one of the first in the U.S. to follow these guidelines.
- Facilitated the development of operational dashboards to provide immediate insight into daily operations.
- Provided functional testing on the largest heat pump chiller installation in the U.S.
A Closer Look
The CSUSA team engaged on this innovative project through an existing relationship as a successful commissioning provider with UAMS.
Commissioning selection for this project included competition amongst many large national healthcare commissioning providers.
CSUSA worked directly for the owner ensuring success by implementing the ASHE commissioning process. This commissioning effort covered a central energy plant expansion, district energy distribution equipment, energy management controls and all building connections.